The Battle of Cowpens was a historic, heroic struggle. It pitted Brigadier General Daniel Morgan, a man of the backcountry made general of the Revolution, against Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton, the most hated and feared British officer in America. The result was astonishing: a complete rout of the entire British force. A few hundred stragglers managed to escape the Patriot juggernaut. Morgan’s tactics were new, innovative. He massed riflemen on the front line with orders to select British officers as targets. His idea brought success beyond his imaginings, and the British, perhaps the most proficient army in the world, proved unable to confront a force of similar size composed largely of farmers from the backcountry. The complete story is told in The Battle of Cowpens, Reexamined, to be released in 2025 by Blackwater Press.